Arthur M. Fournier, University of Miami Dean for Community Health Affairs, speaks about defining events in Vietnam in which he sought his inner "moral compass." Fournier asks whether anyone in the class knows the term "fragging" and relates that a former classmate of his had been fragged. He talks about religious beliefs as involved the war and recalls Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc, who immolated himself to protest American involvement. Fournier asserts, re the US-Iraq War, that "The road to peace is not to war." He questions whether the US government had planted violence-promoters among peace activism groups for subversive purposes, and describes the non-violence mode of thought as the only valid litmus test for opinions about Vietnam. He asks who is familiar with the phrase "Clean for Gene," referring to the 1968 campaign for the presidency and Eugene McCarthy's opposition to the war on moral grounds. Finally, Fournier jokes about attending the Woodstock Festival.