From - UM Libraries
How to Feed the Nation: Agri-Culture, Race, and Empire in the U.S. and Cuba Presented by Tara Phillips, Comparative Literature, University of California at Berkeley and… -
From - UM Libraries
Porous Borders, Watery Graves: Forgetting the Balseros in Cuban American Literature and Visual CulturePresented by Natalie Catasús, Comparative Literature, Emory… -
From - UM Libraries
Re-Sounding History: Soundscapes and Traumatic Memory in Pedro Panes Presented by Elisa Alfonso, Ethno/Musicology, University of Texas at Austin and Urgency Courts:… -
From - UM Libraries
Shadow Cadavers: Cheap Labor, Archival Praxes, and Queer Necropolitics in the Wake of the Cuban Revolution Presented by Andy Alfonso, Program in Latin American Studies,…