Dr. Sandra Paquet of the University of Miami English Dept. introduces the program and Gordon Rohlehr, who introduces Trinidadian writer Edward Baugh. Baugh reads poetry: "This Poem," "Responsibility," "A Rain-Washed Town By the Sea," and "Sunday Afternoon Walks With My Father." Trinidadian author Edward Baugh reads poetry: "Words," "The Warner Woman," "Mistaken Identity," "I Am Very Proud, Revengeful, Ambitious," "Capricorn," and "Hedge Trimming." Baugh then reads poetry mostly about poets: "The Poet Bemused," "Truth and Consequences," "Turning Point," "Cold Comfort," "Picking Up the Pieces," "Running River Water," "A Tale From the Rainforest," and "White Linen." Baugh next reads: "An Open Letter to Feelings of Insecurity," "Instamatic," "Time Frame," "Ingrid Bergman's Hat-Brim at the End of Casablanca," "Visiting Professor," "Lunchtime with Linda," and "Country Dance." Baugh lasty reads selections of political poetry: "Where the President Lives," "It Was the Singing" (from a woman's point of view), "You Ever Notice How," "Sometimes, in the Middle of the Story," "Nigger Sweat," and "A Way of Going." Sandra Paquet concludes the program.
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