Mervyn Solomon introduces the CWSI program and Dr. Sandra Paquet of the University of Miami English Dept. Sandra welcomes the participants, encourages them to spread the word about the Institute, and informs them that the English Department is planning to begin publication. Mervyn Solomon introduces Bermudan writer Brittany Wivell, who reads a monologue from a short story called "Meet Me at Church Bay." The narrator, a teenage girl, talks about her relationship with a no-good boyfriend who cheats on her and impregnates his mistress. When he tires of being a husband and father, he tries to get his first girlfriend back and they have an affair. Mervyn Solomon introduces Jamaican writer/chemist Nicola Johnson (he calls her Nicky Rodriguez), who reads four poems "about love, sex, marriage, and divorce, in reverse order": "Iron Anniversary," "Less Than Perfect," "An Invitation," "Commisson," and then "Temporary Partner" and "Sliver of Moon." Mervyn Solomon introduces Maritza Stanchich, who spent two years in Puerto Rico. She reads a short story excerpt from "Problem Teenager," about a lower-middle-class 18-year-old woman in a dysfunctional home and with an abusive mother, who punishes her for staying out late with a man; then an excerpt from a short story in progress called "Letters," in which an uncle takes it upon himself to teach his 8-year-old nephew how to read. She reads her poems "Ma, I Fell in Love With a Puerto Rican Stand-Up Comic," "Okie Flowers," and "The Pleasure Pain Principle." Mervyn Solomon introduces Tortola, Virgin Islands, poet Eugenia O'Neal, Head of the Women's Desk, Office of the Chief Minister, Government of the Virgin Islands. Eugenia O'Neal reads her poetry: "For Charikins," "Images of My People," "Whistling Women," "Climbing the Ladder of Success," Untitled Poem, and "Myths to Die By." Mervyn Solomon introduces Antiguan reporter and poet Joanne Hillhouse, who reads a scene from her work in progress, "Tanya and Hops." She then reads her poems "Second River Passage" and "Apocalyptic Dance." Mervyn Solomon introduces Bahamian poet Beatrice Gardiner, who reads her poetry: "The Artist," "A Woman's Voice," "The Shooting," "Executives," "The Door is a Gentlemen," "The Naked Moon," "Plastic Immortality," "I Am Woman," "The Dreadlocks Waiter," "In the Faces of Countries," and "Empty Slate." Mervyn Solomon introduces Jamaican writer Kezia Page, who reads her poetry: "I Let Him," "Poetry Muma," "Washing Machine Woman," "For Any Woman Who Not Want a Man," Untitled Poem, "Queen G and the Poets of the Table: a Deconstruction of Arthur and His Lot," and "Mama's Story." Mervyn Solomon introduces award-winning Cuban-American Omar Garcia, a professor at the University of London. Garcia reads poems from his book The Islands of Cockaigne: "You're Ithaca, Reincarnated in A Thousand Islands," "Another Land, Mistaken Identity," "The Conquest," "Journey from History," and "You're Not Gods But No One Told Me." He then reads his short stories "Love Vanishes" and "Saliendividual" (in Spanish).
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