Library Research Scholars and Adobe Scholars May 3, 2023 at 6 p.m. (EDT)
Scholars and presentations:
Hula Bayo, "ConfiDance!"
Angella Nakasagga, "Strategies for Agency in Informal Employment Stories of Women in Kampala"
Kirsten Santiago, "Library Research & Adobe Scholar Presentation"
Cassandra Swilley, "Imaginary Spaces: Constructing Self and Homeland in Haiti"
Valentina Waschbusch, "Library Research Scholars 2022-2023"
About the Library Research Scholars Program
The Library Research Scholars Program, inaugurated in 2015, offers University
of Miami undergraduate students a unique, librarian faculty-mentored learning
experience involving a deep and active engagement with the University of Miami
Libraries’ research collections and service programs. A signature feature of
the new Learning Commons, the program gives
undergraduate students an opportunity to build upon their own interests,
develop transferable skills, and create an intellectual product that is
shareable with others. The program is jointly sponsored by the offices of the
Senior Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education and the Dean and
University Librarian. Learn more »
About the Adobe Library Research Scholars Program
The Adobe Library Research Scholars Program, inaugurated in 2018, builds on the
success of the existing program. Thanks to a generous endowment provided by
Adobe Systems Inc., two undergraduate students will be selected each year to
serve as Adobe Scholars. The award-winning students will participate actively
in the existing program, receive specialized training from experts associated
with the Creative Studio, create an audiovisual and/or
multimedia intellectual project, and serve as creative consultants to help
other University of Miami students maximize the potential of Adobe Creative Cloud and other related tools
and software. Learn more »