Thursday, October 28, 2021 at 10 a.m. (EDT)
Moderator: Sallie Hughes | School of Communications, University of Miami
About the ConferenceThe Cuban Heritage Collection (CHC) at the University of Miami Libraries and the
Cuba Studies Program of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University hosted the fourth
New Directions in Cuban Studies conference on October 27–29, 2021.
The multidisciplinary conference disseminated the work of advanced graduate students and emerging scholars that survey the current research and findings on Cuba and its diaspora.
The conference keynote address was delivered by Ada Ferrer, Julius Silver Professor of History and Latin American and Caribbean History at New York University.
Goizueta Foundation generously funds this program with additional support from the
Amigos of the Cuban Heritage Collection. New Directions in Cuban Studies was inaugurated in 2014 as a platform for critical thinking and the presentation of innovative scholarship in which students, junior scholars, and established academics learn from one another.