Search for tag: "students"

Interview with Walter and Russel Etling

Walter Etling attended the University of Miami in the 1940s. His son, Russell, attended UM during the 1970s. In this interview, both discuss how student life changed over the course of 30 years. They…

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Interview with Mike Abrams

Mike Abrams was a student at the University of Miami from 1965-1969, served in the Florida Legislature for 4 years, and currently serves as a member of the University of Miami Board of Trustees.…

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Interview with James Yasser

Jim Yasser served as student body president at UM during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Specifically, he served as President of Undergraduate Student Government, 1969-70. In this interview he talks…

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Interview with Ron Stone

Ron Stone was a student at UM during the late 1960s and 1970s. At the time of this interview, he was serving on the UM Board of Trustees. In the interview, he discusses student life at the…

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Interview with Margaret Wyszkowski

Margaret Wyszkowski (73) speaks with son, Bob Wyszkowski (45), about her son and Bob's brother, John. They discuss John's decision to become a Navy Seal and their pride.

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Interview with Joel Lusk and Maceo Martinet

Joel D. Lusk and colleagues Cynthia Abeyta and Maceo Martinet talk about their work as biologists and the influences in their own lives that led them to the work they are engaged in. Cynthia and…

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Interview with Sal Sandoval

Sal A Sandoval (84) talks with his wife Eddy Bello-Sandoval (67) about being a zoot-suiter and then graduating college.

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Interview with Xavier Sainz and Thais Saínz

Nicole Di Rocca asks her parents about the lift on travel bans to Cuba, their recent family trip to the island, their involvement in the Revolution, their immigration over 40 years ago, and their…

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Interview with Ailyavor Betancourt

Siblings Aliyavor Betancourt, 42, and Maria Silva, 39, reflect on their upbringing, remember their mother, and discuss Maria’s relationship with her husband.

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Interview with Andrez Lojano

Estudiantes de íngles, Claudia y Andrez hablan sobre de donde vinieron, sus familias, y la lucha quedar y trabajar aquí en los estados unidos. // English students Claudia and Andrez…

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Interview with Mildred (Betty) Kersh

Mary Beth Alvarez (34) talks with her friend Mildred “Betty” Kersh (74) about her pioneering role as a female mathematician, her knowledge of New Orleans history, her thoughts on dying,…

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Interview with Dario Morell

Dario Morell (57) talks with son Dario Gabriel Morell “Gabriel” (20) about coming to the U.S. at the age of ten, and their visit to Cuba 47 years later to meet long-lost family.

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Interview with Jessica Lam

Jessica Lam (39) and son Christopher Lam (19) talk about Chris’s experience as a child of Jessica, who is a transgendered woman, and identifies as Chris’s father.

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Interview with Catalina Rosemond

Catalina Rosemond (84) habla con su nuera Brendaly Rosemond (42) sobre sus experiencias viviendo en Cuba como negra y como hija de un inmigrante de Jamaica. Depués, habla de sus própia…

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Interview with Amy Leticia D’Sa Brinson

Amy Leticia D'Sa Brinson (56) talks with her daughter Sabah Z. Brinson (28) about her family history in Goa and Tanzania, and about being a mother after immigrating to the U.S. with her American…

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Interview with Elizabeth Miro

Elizabeth Miro (37) and Raul Miro (36) talk about their relationship, from junior high through 12 years of marriage.

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