Search for tag: "students"

Interview with Walter and Russel Etling

Walter Etling attended the University of Miami in…

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Interview with Mike Abrams

Mike Abrams was a student at the University of…

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Interview with James Yasser

Jim Yasser served as student body president at UM…

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Interview with Ron Stone

Ron Stone was a student at UM during the late…

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Interview with Margaret Wyszkowski

Margaret Wyszkowski (73) speaks with son, Bob…

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Interview with Joel Lusk and Maceo Martinet

Joel D. Lusk and colleagues Cynthia Abeyta and…

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Interview with Sal Sandoval

Sal A Sandoval (84) talks with his wife Eddy…

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Interview with Xavier Sainz and Thais Saínz

Nicole Di Rocca asks her parents about the lift…

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Interview with Ailyavor Betancourt

Siblings Aliyavor Betancourt, 42, and Maria…

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Interview with Andrez Lojano

Estudiantes de íngles, Claudia y Andrez…

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Interview with Mildred (Betty) Kersh

Mary Beth Alvarez (34) talks with her friend…

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Interview with Dario Morell

Dario Morell (57) talks with son Dario Gabriel…

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Interview with Jessica Lam

Jessica Lam (39) and son Christopher Lam (19)…

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Interview with Catalina Rosemond

Catalina Rosemond (84) habla con su nuera…

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Interview with Amy Leticia D’Sa Brinson

Amy Leticia D'Sa Brinson (56) talks with her…

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Interview with Elizabeth Miro

Elizabeth Miro (37) and Raul Miro (36) talk about…

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