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10 item(s) found

Interview with JosƩ Luis Garcƭa Paneque: Part 2 of 2

Interview with JosƩ Luis Garcƭa Paneque, a medical doctor with a specialty in traumatology and plastic surgery who served as president of the Las Tunas chapter of the unofficial Cuban Independent Medical Association (Colegio MƩdico Independiente de Cuba).
April 09, 2014
Keyword found in: 4 Captions 1 Details

Michael Dash, Translating the Caribbean Text (1996)

Dash recalls how he learned to translate as a schoolboy and discusses the difficulty of rendering a text
August 30, 2017
Keyword found in: 91 Captions 2 Chapters


So You Want to Talk About Race: Using This Year's Common Read Text in Your Classroom Meg Homer, Assistant
November 11, 2020
Keyword found in: 11 Captions

Nursing 3 - Revising and examining results in CINAHL

details that a result in a database usually consists of, and it will demonstrate how to find the full text
June 09, 2015

Revisiting Iconic Texts and Authors (New Directions in Cuban Studies 2021)

Revisiting Iconic Texts and Authors (New Directions in Cuban Studies 2021) Thursday, October 28, 2021
November 05, 2021
Keyword found in: 54 Captions

James Maraniss talks about translation (1996)

phrase Benitez Rojo's Spanish in ways that would preserve the Afro-Caribbean rhythms of the original text
August 30, 2017
Keyword found in: 17 Captions

Staging of Man of Rabinal

Charles Ɖtienne Brasseur de Bourbourg and Professor Dennis Tedlock of SUNY Buffalo translated Brasseur's text
January 28, 2014

Using Podcast for Language and Culture Acquisition (2021 Faculty Showcase)

They made connections between texts from medieval to contemporary literature and current topics such
November 29, 2021
Keyword found in: 19 Captions

Staging of Man of Rabinal followed by a discussion

Charles Ɖtienne Brasseur de Bourbourg and Professor Dennis Tedlock of SUNY Buffalo translated Brasseur's text
January 28, 2014

Ā”A contar cuentos...!

; the texts were adapted by Pablo Garcƭa-GƔmez.
August 05, 2015
Keyword found in: 1 Caption