Interview with Fr. Alejandro LópezInterview with Alejandro Lopez, a priest whose life has revolved around service and ministry. Fr. Lopez was born in Cuba, lived in Canada for a while, before finally settling in Honduras, where he…
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López, Alejandro
Carrion, Javier
Video recordings
Oral histories
February 08, 2016
Miami (Fla.)
University of Miami Libraries
University Special Collections
Copyright to this interview is held by the University of Miami. It may not be reproduced, retransmitted, published, distributed, or broadcast without the permission of the University of Miami Libraries Special Collections. For information about obtaining copies or to request permission to publish any part of this interview, please contact Special Collections at For additional information, please visit:
Moving Image
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Interview with Padrica MendezPadrica Mendez (71) talks with niece Padrica M. Mendez (44) about her Afro-Cuban heritage, and her career as an opera singer and fashion designer.
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Mendez, Padrica
Mendez, Padrica M.
Oral histories
December 15, 2009
Jacksonville (Fla.)
University of Miami Libraries
Cuban Heritage Collection
Courtesy of StoryCorps, a national nonprofit dedicated to recording and collecting stories of everyday people. Any other uses of this material--for commercial or non-commercial distribution, editing, exhibition, publishing, publicly performing, publicly displaying, reproducing on a website, or quotation beyond "fair use"--requires the permission of StoryCorps. For clearance, please contact StoryCorps at
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