Search for tag: "human rights"

Interview with Bernardo Benes

Facilitator Lilly interviews Bernardo about his Cuban heritage and his work for human rights. Bernardo discusses growing up Jewish in Cuba, his human rights work and his social contributions to the…

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Visita de Yoani Sánchez a la Universidad de Miami

Cuban activist and blogger Yoani Sánchez led a class at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban American Studies (ICCAS), giving an overview of Cuban civic society and the many challenges and small…

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Interview with Janisset Rivero

Interview with Janisset Rivero, a Cuban activist and founding member of Directorio Democrático Cubano, who initiated a campaign of travel to other countries in 1994 to incite support for the…

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Interview with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo

Interview with Orlando Luis Pardo Lazo, a Cuban dissident writer, journalist, and artist. Pardo Lazo founded the independent e-zine Voces in 2010, has written several novels, and maintains a popular…

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Interview with Henry Constantin

Interview with Henry Constantin, a Cuban journalist, writer, and blogger. After being expelled from journalism school twice in Cuba, Constantin began writing for several blogs and news sites, and on…

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Interview with Sayli Navarro

Interview with Sayli Navarro, a leader of Las Damas de Blanco in Matanzas Cuba. Navarro's father was imprisoned in 1993 and again in 2003, leading Sayli and her mother to participate in the…

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Interview with Yoani Sánchez

Interview with Yoani Sánchez, a leading Cuban dissident blogger who gained international fame for her critical portrayal of everyday life in communist Cuba.

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Interview with Dagoberto Valdés

Interview with Dagoberto Valdés, a Cuban Catholic leader and magazine editor. Valdés lost his job in 1996 because of his beliefs, was involved in preparations for Pope John Paul…

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Interview with Jorge Luis García Pérez and Iris Pérez Aguilera

Interview with Jorge Luis García Pérez and Iris Pérez Aguilera. Jorge Luis García Pérez, also known as Antúnez, is a human rights and democracy activist in…

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Interview with Alejandrina García de la Riva

Interview with Alejandrina García de la Riva, co-founder of the Damas de Blanco (Ladies in White) and wife of Cuban dissident Diosdado González Marrero, who was a part of the Grupo de…

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Interview with Margarito Broche and María de la Caridad Noa: Part 2 of 2

Interview with Margarito Broche and María de la Caridad Noa. Broche was arrested during Cuba’s Black Spring in 2013, and Noa subsequently joined the Damas de Blanco.

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Interview with Regis Iglesias Ramírez: Part 2 of 2

Interview with Regis Iglesias Ramírez, who worked with Oswaldo Payá as a spokesperson, council member and organizer of the Varela Project, a petition calling for free elections and…

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Interview with Margarito Broche and María de la Caridad Noa: Part 1 of 2

Interview with Margarito Broche and María de la Caridad Noa. Broche was arrested during Cuba’s Black Spring in 2013, and Noa subsequently joined the Damas de Blanco.

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Interview with Guillermo Fariñas: Part 2 of 2

Interview with Guillermo Fariñas, a Cuban dissident and independent journalist known for his hunger strikes in protest of the Cuban regime's censorship and violation of human rights.

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Interview with Guillermo Fariñas: Part 1 of 2

Interview with Guillermo Fariñas, a Cuban dissident and independent journalist known for his hunger strikes in protest of the Cuban regime's censorship and violation of human rights.

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Interview with Regis Iglesias Ramírez: Part 1 of 2

Interview with Regis Iglesias Ramírez, who worked with Oswaldo Payá as a spokesperson, council member and organizer of the Varela Project, a petition calling for free elections and…

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